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Below are extracts from the introduction of The International Spy Film Guide - detailing the purpose of The Kiss Kiss Kill Kill Archive and the critera for the choice of films included in the Archive and the book. The Kiss Kiss Kill Kill Archive was launched in to facilitate a project five years in the making—the first ever symposium on spy films hosted by the University of Hertfordshire. This involved an academic event, film screenings and a touring exhibition of spy film posters. The exhibition has subsequently been exhibited in five British public spaces Hatfield, Aberystwyth, Leeds, St. The project led to the publishing of an exhibition catalogue entitled Kiss Kiss Kill Kill: the Graphic art and Forgotten Spy Films of Cold War Europe , this website resource, the development of a repository of films, artwork and a database that has since evolved into the book The International Spy Film Guide - The language barrier as well as the history of separatism inherent in a world of borders has meant dozens of Cold War films have never made it on to the radar. The International Spy Film Guide - is here to represent such films.
Fine, of course, is calm, cool and collected in the face of danger, allowing him and Susan to carry on mundane conversations, even flirt, between body blows and assassination attempts. Then something nasty happens to Fine, courtesy of international crime family heiress Rayna Boyanov Rose Byrne , and the CIA must act quickly to find her and stop her plan to sell a nuclear device to terrorists. But in "Spy," McCarthy is at her best with the one person who knows exactly how to utilize her vast skill set.
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