An 8 minute long orgasm? Finally, I had somewhere to start my search. But less than 24 hours later… I was pissed off and dissatisfied. There had to be a secular way to figure this out. Enter problem 2.
The Full Body Energetic Orgasm: Revolutionise Your Sex Life
The Full Body Energetic Orgasm: Revolutionise Your Sex Life | HuffPost Life
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Photo by Alexey Kuzma, via Stocksy. Often overlooked in these sexy guides, however, is the simple and incredibly effective technique known as edging. Not to be confused with the lawn-maintenance term that also bears its name, edging is a technique for bringing yourself or others, or all of you together! Do this enough times and your body will become a giant, pulsating nerve of sensation; and your orgasm, if and when you are brought over that edge, will be that much more intense and powerful. It also can and is used as a technique to help those with penises gain better control of their ejaculation.
Once considered fringe, many people are now eager to have the novel, intense, next-level orgasmic release that squirting offers. Scientists out there, get on this! The G-spot is hotly debated in its own right, but researchers agree that stroking the anterior wall of the vagina the front side will create a unique sensation that can lead to an orgasm. The biggest squirting mystery is the identity of the thin, milky fluid that gets released.