Sign in. Constantly updated with new films. The ones I've seen I'll be moving to the top with a short review and rating from me. This is for you, girls. I'm open to suggestions. So help me out and let me know if there's anything missing or out of place.
The 15 Best Lesbian and Bisexual Movies of | Autostraddle
See all year-end lists. First, just the sheer number of films that were available to us. Second, the production value of these films. Lesbian and bisexual movies have always been notoriously underfunded and it shows in areas as small as sound design and as big as acting.
23 Lesbian and Bisexual Romantic Drama Films, Ranked
Grab your popcorn, kick back and enjoy…. A handsome male classmate falls for her hard, but an unsettling reverie upsets the romance before it begins. Watch the Trailer on YouTube.
This past weekend at the box office was particularly gay. Not to mention, the Marvel big bad Thanos took over over Earth in hopes of obtaining a collection of fine jewelry. In celebration of all this queerness, Vulture has assembled a list of 40 essential lesbian love stories from around the world: movies that will make you laugh, make you cry, and then make you cry so violently you want to throw up. But all of them will hit you right square in the heart. A lesbian love story made in the s!