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How to Pee in the Woods: A Quick Tutorial for Girls
How to Get Better at Peeing Outside | SELF
We were hanging out around the fire in Algonquin Park when Natalie excused herself to go pee. A few minutes later I was ready to go on a rescue mission for her when she finally emerged from the pines. Natalie calmly explained that it always took her a while to pee in the woods because she had to get her shoes off, then take her pants and underwear off. If you are peeing on a hill, escarpment or side of a mountain, always position yourself facing downward.
Peeing outdoors is as simple as finding a secluded spot and popping a squat, right? Theoretically, sure—but in reality, everything from uneven terrain to tight hip flexors can throw you off your game and, as a result, your The mechanics of relieving yourself in the great outdoors can be challenging if you struggle with mobility and flexibility, like most modern desk jockeys do, or if you have a hard time staying steady on your feet. Finding the right spot can be tricky, too: level and unobstructed, yet off the beaten path and somewhat private. Look for even terrain where you can keep a steady footing.
I just got back from some amazing bicycle travel, part of it solo, in a remote region of Patagonia. It was like a backpacking trip on two wheels: spectacular, peaceful, and wild. Once accustomed to the solitude and self-reliance I felt strong, calm, and capable.