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A catheter drains urine from the bladder into a drainage bag which may be supported at thigh or calf level. The leg drainage bag requires changing every 5 to 7 days depending on manufacturers instructions. A Belly Bag or a catheter valve may be recommended. Your District Nurse or Continence Advisor will advise you on which type may be appropriate for your needs. If you do use a leg drainage bag then it requires emptying when it is half to three-quarters full. Always ensure it does not pull on the catheter.
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Urinary Catheters

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Urinary catheterisation - Tests & treatments | NHS inform

Back to Health A to Z. They can either be inserted through the tube that carries urine out of the bladder urethral catheter or through a small opening made in your lower tummy suprapubic catheter. The catheter usually remains in the bladder, allowing urine to flow through it and into a drainage bag. It can also be used to empty the bladder before or after surgery and to help perform certain tests.
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Uses and types of urinary catheter

A urinary catheter is a flexible tube for draining urine from the bladder. It may be necessary for a person to use a urinary catheter if they have difficulty passing urine naturally. This article outlines the different types of urinary catheter and provides advice on how to avoid side effects. A doctor may recommend a urinary catheter for a person who has difficulties when urinating.
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Urinary catheters are used to drain the bladder. Your health care provider may recommend that you use a catheter if you have:. Catheters come in many sizes, materials latex, silicone, Teflon , and types straight or coude tip.
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