Passing gas air in the urine, a rare symptom, usually indicates an abnormal opening fistula between the urinary tract and the intestine, which normally contains gas. A fistula may be a complication of diverticulitis , other types of intestinal inflammation, an abscess, or cancer. A fistula between the bladder and the vagina may also cause gas to escape into the urine. Rarely, certain bacteria in the urine may produce gas. Doctors do a pelvic examination in affected women. To diagnose fistulas, doctors may insert a flexible viewing tube into the bladder cystoscopy or colon sigmoidoscopy , or both.
4 Things That Could Happen When You Hold In Your Pee for Too Long
Urine is not sterile, and neither is the rest of you | Science News
People with interstitial cystitis IC have repeat discomfort, pressure, tenderness or pain in the bladder , lower abdomen , and pelvic area. Symptoms vary from person to person, may be mild or severe, and can even change in each person as time goes on. Urgency is the feeling that you need to urinate right now. A strong urge is normal if you haven't urinated for a few hours or if you have been drinking a lot of liquids.
Doctors recommend emptying your bladder regularly, about once every three hours. From long haul truckers to politicians holding the house floor, there are many instances when adults find themselves in situations where they need to hold it in. It takes your body 9 to 10 hours to produce 2 cups of urine. In the worst of circumstances, your bladder may stretch to hold even more than 2 cups of fluid.
There's a phenomenon plaguing busy women everywhere OK, and women who just don't feel like hitting pause on The Affair : pee procrastination. You know, the feeling that you gotta go — but then Whether it's because your schedule is slammed guilty or you're just feeling lazy also guilty , blowing off your bladder's cue like it's some annoying guy on Tinder can have an impact on your health. So what are we talking about here?