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The practice isn't new, according to attorneys, but it's been brought to light in a recent case in Pierre. An attorney for a man charged with felony drug ingestion is asking a judge to throw out evidence from an involuntary urine sample, saying it violated his client's constitutional rights. Dirk Landon Sparks was arrested March 14 after a report of a domestic disturbance. While in custody, officers with the Pierre Police Department observed Sparks fidgeting and his mood changing rapidly.
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Contempt of cop - Wikipedia

By Daniel Cassady. When they arrived, they found Ortiz, 35, allegedly pacing back and forth and screaming by the rear entrance of the building and holding what appeared to be a gun — but ended up being a pellet gun, Mahapong told The Post. Soaking wet due to heavy rain, the two cops took cover behind behind some scaffolding on either side of Ortiz, who was brightly lit thanks to a light generator behind the officers, and with weapons drawn demanded the crazed man drop his gun. The cops were able to calm Ortiz and then radioed for backup. Shortly afterward, officers from the emergency services unit took him into custody without incident. The refresher courses work.
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Pennsylvania Woman Faces Mischief, Lewdness Charges After Urinating on Walmart Potatoes

The phrase is associated with unlawful arbitrary arrest and detention of individuals, often for expressing or exercising rights guaranteed to them by the United States Constitution. Contempt of cop is often discussed in connection to police misconduct such as use of excessive force or even police brutality [5] as a reaction to perceived disrespectful behavior [6] rather than for any legitimate law enforcement purpose. Arrests for contempt of cop may stem from a type of "occupational arrogance" when a police officer thinks his or her authority cannot or should not be challenged or questioned.
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A drug test looks for the presence of one or more illegal or prescription drugs in your urine, blood, saliva, hair, or sweat. Urine testing is the most common type of drug screening. The drugs most often tested for include:. Other names: drug screen, drug test, drugs of abuse testing, substance abuse testing, toxicology screen, tox screen, sports doping tests.
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