The 8 rules of table manners everyone needs to know · The Daily Edge
Hanging out with her is a little weird, since it's not like I ever forget she's my boss. Except for this one thing, as it turns out: Her mother is a plate licker. Like, literally. When she's finished eating, she sets down her knife and fork, picks up her plate, and licks it clean.
The 8 rules of table manners everyone needs to know
Table manners are the rules used while eating, which may also include the use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are to be enforced. Traditionally in Western Europe, the host or hostess takes the first bite [ citation needed ] unless he or she instructs otherwise.
However, sitting at a table and eating neatly, quietly and politely is something not a lot of us have mastered yet. Of course, nobody cares what you do in the privacy of your own home, but when out and about with others it might be better to keep these tips in mind. The general consensus is that when eight people or fewer are sitting down to dinner, you can start eating when everyone else is served, including your host.