It is a well known fact that any sufficiently popular form of communication will eventually be used for sexual purposes. The written word gave us the erotic novel, texting has spawned sexting, and even adorable, bubbly emoji have been repurposed to communicate some pretty raunchy messages rather far from the original intentions of the members of the Unicode Consortium—as long as you're looking to talk about dick. Yes, for all the popularity and infamy of the eggplant emoji, there's no equally popular vulval equivalent. It's a tragedy for anyone looking to engage in equal opportunity emoji sexting.
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The Harsh Truth: Why Average Guys Pull Hot Girls
I recently read a study that attempted to determine the average length of the erect penis by examining upwards of 15, men. These intrepid, probably very-interesting-at-a-dinner-party researchers determined that the average penis size is exactly 5. Where was I for this? Call me next time, science.
When you write all day for a living, it can be hard to find the motivation to write outside of work for yourself. I stumbled across this competition that aimed to get the ball rolling for writers like myself. Just get the story started. In 75 words or less, the competition challenged writers to tell a story full of intrigue and leaving the reader craving more.
By Daily Mail Australia Reporter. The year-old couldn't stop flapping her gums about the victory, continuing: 'I have won a lot of awards over the last few years but this one means the absolute most to me because I can finally say I have an award winning vagina. However, that didn't stop the natural blonde from flashing her artificial chest by going braless underneath a blazer on top.