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Sharing personal information brings people closer together. Verified by Psychology Today. All About Sex. For thousands of years, women and some men have altered what nature has provided between their legs.
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Men Overwhelmingly Prefer Women With NO Pubic Hair (Says Sad New Survey)

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​​Pubic Hair Is Becoming More Popular, Porn Data Says | Men’s Health

More and more women are growing out their pubic hair, refusing to go bald, or forgoing that landing strip for the full hairy bush in all its glory. Recently, Amber Rose went viral for posting a picture on Instagram of her bush, and there was a feature written in Vice on June 6 declaring that hairy vulvas were making a comeback in the porn industry. Caution: images in this post are NSFW. After Rose posted her bush on social media, it was immediately followed by the AmberRoseChallenge, with some people cheering her on. But others poked fun at the image or condemned it, completely failing to see that her choice to pose nude from the waist down was something that might be a feminist move.
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How many girls have a hairy pussy? Guys what do u think about hairy pussy?

You've now got a reason. You can blame your pubes. When it comes to pubic hair and vaginas , and how much you dare to bare, especially if you're into men under the age of 40, it matters.
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But if u think about it.. Good luck with your theory! I hope it qualifies as a dissertation; meanwhile I will sample the vag out there. It's not a theory it's truth. It's nature.
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