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You should have a rough idea about differential equations and partial derivatives before proceeding! Note: f y is our version of the constant of integration "C" because due to the partial derivative we had y as a fixed parameter that we know is really a variable. Some equations that are not exact may be multiplied by some factor, a function u x,y , to make them exact. When this function u x,y exists it is called an integrating factor.
In mathematics , an exact category is a concept of category theory due to Daniel Quillen which is designed to encapsulate the properties of short exact sequences in abelian categories without requiring that morphisms actually possess kernels and cokernels , which is necessary for the usual definition of such a sequence. An exact category E is an additive category possessing a class E of "short exact sequences": triples of objects connected by arrows. If D is a subcategory of E , it is an exact subcategory if the inclusion functor is fully faithful and exact. Exact categories come from abelian categories in the following way.
A standard electronic calculator does all your calculations to a particular accuracy, say ten decimal digits. With the Wolfram Language, however, you can often get exact results. The N stands for "numerical". It must be a capital letter. When you type in an integer like 7 , the Wolfram Language assumes that it is exact.