Facial Vein Drainage
Embryology II. Osteology III. Syndesmology IV. Myology V. Angiology VI. The Arteries VII.
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Chapter 1: Neuro-Ophthalmic Anatomy
Osteopath reveals why you should NEVER cross your legs | Daily Mail Online
An osteopath has advised against ever crossing your legs while sitting, warning it can compress a major drainage area in the lower limbs. Canadian osteopath Brendon Talbot shared a video to TikTok revealing his top tips for better vein health. This creates compression in one of the major drainage areas of the lower limb, in the inguinal region [groin area],' he said. Unnecessary pressure can lead to circulatory problems and ultimately contribute to vein disease including varicose veins. Varicose veins occur when the tiny valves inside the veins of the legs stop working properly, causing blood to pool in the veins, making them swollen and painful. Increased pressure in the veins can also make the skin purple, dry and flaky. Brendon advised against ever crossing your legs while sitting, warning it can compress a major drainage area in the lower limbs.
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Ocular venous outflow begins in the arcade retinal veins, which exit into the central retinal vein CRV , and in the choroidal veins, which exit the sclera through the vortex veins. Anteriorly, the episcleral venous plexus collects both blood from the anterior uveal circulation and aqueous percolating through the Schlemm canal. These 3 primary venous drainage pathways Fig empty mainly into the superior ophthalmic vein, which runs posteriorly within the superior medial orbit to the orbital apex, where it crosses laterally to enter the cavernous sinus posterior to the superior orbital fissure.