So There I Was And There He Came
Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech , the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command. I told them that I was tired. Indirect reports of statements consist of a reporting clause and a that -clause. We often omit that , especially in informal situations:. The pilot commented that the weather had been extremely bad as the plane came in to land.
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Their vs. There
Bible Gateway Acts 18 :: NIV
In the s and early s, he sympathized with many Nazi ideas and supported radically right-wing political movements. He spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from to , in Nazi prisons and concentration camps. It has often been adapted to reflect current social issues and debates across the world. He felt this to be especially true of the leaders of the Protestant churches, which were made up of Lutheran, Reformed, and United traditions. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Reported speech: indirect speech
The words there and their are often confused and misused because they are homophones they sound alike. A good way to remember the difference between the there and their is to remember — Here with a T is there ; so it refers to a place. While "there" refers to a place, "their" means belonging to, or associated with, a group of people e. In the following video, an English teacher explains the differences between their, there, and they're with more examples.
Years passed. The seasons came and went, the short animal lives fled by. A time came when there was no one who remembered the old days before the Rebellion, except Clover, Benjamin, Moses the raven, and a number of the pigs.