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That number is so high because 'Asia' itself is largely a Western construct — two billion women are not a monolith, but rather a wealth of different cultures. And the result was pretty clear. The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism reported a per cent increase in hate crimes against Asians in , after already doubling in Asian women around me experienced verbal and physical attacks.

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How to Talk to Kids About Pornography
Substance abuse in many communities faces extreme backlash. Whether it was their weekend parties, consistent sniffles or bursts of energy, the brothers were confused but brushed these events off as normal. After all, witnessing the same daily habits and being stuck in this routine maintained a sense of normality. But, as we hear from Jas, it was anything but. For Desi households, different kinds of abuse are often hidden due to the blanket of cultural ideologies. Any deviation from a progressive and successful life, especially when it comes to using drugs, brings judgment and a sense of dishonour. Of course, there is no justification for drug abuse, but the lack of open discussion and willingness to help addicts means it becomes harder for South Asians to open up about their issues.

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Based on 36 reviews. Based on 59 reviews. Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Research shows a connection between kids' healthy self-esteem and positive portrayals in media.

She has worked with breastfeeding parents for over a decade, and is a mom to two boys. Ann-Louise T. As parents, the idea of our children watching pornography—and us needing to discuss it with them—is likely the last thing we want to be thinking about. Unfortunately, the world looks different now than it did when we were growing up. Back then, access to pornography was very different than it is now.