Women S Facial Hair Remover
Reading time: 2 mins. From peach fuzz to the odd whisker, to the full on lady beard, we all have hair on our face. From waxing and plucking to shaving and sugaring, here we demystify the methods and weigh up the pros and cons of each. If you are of the intrepid kind, facial waxing with warm or cold wax is handy for removing a lady beard as well as for the eyebrows.

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Facial hair removal for women

Women's Hair Removal - Personal Care
While facial hair in a woman is traditionally considered undesirable in a woman, for Shyja, her moustache is the most attractive part about her. Thirty-five-year-old Shyja from Kerala is breaking gender stereotypes, and in a unique way! She is sporting with pride a lustrous moustache - yes, you heard it right! She said that people have told her that it's men who sport moustaches, so why should women have one!

Busting gender stereotypes, Kerala woman dons moustache with pride
Our face is where everyone looks first when they see us. And most of us want the world to see us without any facial hair. No surprise there are many facial hair removal methods for women: you can epilate facial epilation , tweeze, wax, sugar, thread, burn, shave or bleach; use creams, lasers, IPL, electrolysis or make-up.

Neomen Hair Removal Cream. Nair Hair Remover Bikini Cream. Rejopes Hair Removal Cream. GiGi Hair Removal Lotion. Yes, you can use hair removal creams during pregnancy as they are safe.