Mothers In Heat 1, Scene
ACT I. SCENE 1. TIME-5 A. Five o'clock, and the lazy slaves are still abed. It is only of late they have become such sluggards.
il, Np wB, dK GC, QL Dy, Qe qi, Sn YD, NT Nx, IN
Key moments
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It has already been established that Mullins resents the snooty interference of an FBI outsider into her case. We also know that Ashburn has problems getting along with, well, anyone. Ashburn and Mullins are forced to work together to bring down a Boston drug kingpin, or something like that — it doesn't matter — and for the majority of the film they bicker over whose case it is, whose interrogation style to follow, who knows more about the background intel. All of that comes to comedic fruition in a lingering slapstick scene of the two women in a death-grip with the door, unable to move forward, unable to retreat, both willing to look completely foolish in order to be the first one through that door. Director Paul Feig who helmed " Bridesmaids " knows his way around slapstick moments such as this one. He is confident that the event being filmed is funny and worth watching, so he stands back, points the camera, and lets the actresses go to it. It's a very funny bit of physical comedy, deeply logical neither character can bear to be "second" in anything and yet deeply illogical who cares who goes through the door first?
The Wayside - Little Women Happened Here!
Nay, either tell me where thou hast been, or I will not open my lips so wide as a bristle may enter in way of thy excuse: my lady will hang thee for thy absence. Let her hang me: he that is well hanged in this world needs to fear no colours. Make that good. He shall see none to fear. A good lenten answer: I can tell thee where that saying was born, of 'I fear no colours.
Individual directors choose their own key moments in Hamlet depending on how they are interpreting the play. Here we've listed some important moments in the order in which they appear in the play. We've also included some quotes to listen out for.